Where's My Stuff?
      a. Please check the shipping information first after a few days when the order is shipped. We will update every tracking number when the product is shipped.
      b. If the tracking number is invalid or just missed the delivery information, pleases contact us first and call the express with your tracking number directly.
      c. Package shows delivered, but not received, please check any place (front door, neighbor, yard, etc.) And contact us, we will call express to investigate the situation and promised that you won’t suffer the lost.
      d. If the product is not shipped as scheduled, contact us directly. Usually we will contact you before the scheduled date.
What to do when you don't receive your item or it's not as described?
      If the product you received is wrong item/defective/not as described, contact us with pictures (package pictures with tracking numbers, product front/side pictures), we will exchange or refund you fully due to yours require.
Cancel Items or Orders
      Some orders can be cancelled before the shipment, please understand if the order is shipped, we can only access the return request for you.