Links to other websites
      There are several places throughout our websites where we link to third party websites that do not operate under this privacy policy. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of all third party websites.
      We will send you weekly offers via email in case you have manually signed up for our newsletter, placed an order with us and/or registered a user. If you place an order with us or abandon cart we may also send a one off followup email offering time limited discount. The content of our emails will be based on your order history and game preferences and will only pertain to services accessible on our website. You can opt out of advertisement at any time by clicking the one-click unsubscribe link at the bottom of any such email. If you like us on facebook or follow us on twitter we will regularly send you advertisements in your newsfeed for services accessible on this website as well as general online gaming info. You can opt out of receiving any such info by unfollowing or unliking us.
      Additionally, when you visit our website there will be a cookie stored on your computer that will allow us to target you with our ads when you visit any website that shows Google advertisements. You can opt out of our advertisement on Google and it's search partners by changing your personal google ads settings. There is also a cookie stored on your computer that allows us to advertise directly in your facebook newsfeed. This cookie has an expiration time of a few days depending on if you ordered something or just visited the website. You can opt out of this advertisement by clicking on the check mark icon situated at the top right of ad.